How do I describe the times? I will simply describe this generation as a time-starved generation wherein every single precious minute has to be carefully planned or else we fall into the trap of “lack-of-time” sickness. There’s just too many things we need to do with so very little time available for us so here is an idea.
I have managed to do hundreds of talks and seminars in a year and these are not just stationary assignments. The venues where the seminars are held are spread out all over the country and some of them abroad as well.
What I will do is to share with you certain ideas that have worked for me as far as making the best use of time is concerned and hope that you find these useful as well.
Choosing your outfit in the morning when you are in a hurry to rush to the office will actually require more time from you to make a decision. And when you’re not confident, you feel that the colors do not match, and you’re looking for that particular piece of garment and cannot find it then precious time is ticking away and you become stressed.
Plan your outfit including your underwear.
And while we are in the subject matter of clothes, you might want to prepare a selection of special outfits for special occasions. These are the clothes that make you feel confident and fabulous. The right clothes increses our confidence and when we are confident we work better. Unless you’re like Popeye’s girlfriend Olive Oil whose closet contains clothes that are exactly similar that she wears from day to day, then choosing something would not be a problem.
Don’t live in denial. There are many people who would go into their mindless email, facebook, twitter and other social network habit and this really takes up a lot of their precious time away from doing things that could have been more sustantial. You know…things like letting the kids know you’re alive or letting the spouse know you care.
Some people use cell phones and do SMS as a procrastination device. Some people check their email every 10 seconds. Some people live in their FaceBook world. Eliminate this habit and you get to save some precious hours in a day.
Don’t even check your email at work the first hour you get there. Work on the important things first and declare to yourself that you are in control and that technology does not control you.
Many people spend hours watching TV or DVD movies and this is one large chunk of time consuming activity that robs them of being able to do more productive things. Substitute screens with books or if you have to surf the Net make sure that your surfing activities are in conjunction with the search for information that adds value to your work life and personal life.
You don’t need to color code your clothing like many OC’s I know. I am the exact opposite of Obsessive Compulsives or OC’s. I am Messy! But I do organize my closets and drawers according to the way I think. Some people get dressed and think in terms of garments; others think of their clothes more by occasion: work clothes, weekend clothes, dress-up clothes." What is your preference? This saves you a lot of time thinking.
Many people miss this. The first quality hour of my day is spent doing quiet time. A time to pray, meditate on Scriptures. Talking to God and hearing Him talk. This builds my internal strength that would equip me with the strength to deal with the challenges of the day. This also affords me with quality “think-time.” Many of the best work I have in what I do come after my quiet time.
Hugging the kids, sharing stories with them. Enjoying dinner with the family are not time wasters, they are the reason why we want to manage our time correctly. For after all, the way we spend out time is the way we live our life. Live it well.
God bless you.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Honestly - Jackie Boyz
Were a long long way from the people we use to be
And your long way past taking the chance on me
And the shadows of doubt have all faded out
And made it so easy to see
Honestly im yours
Finally im sure
Im where I belong and baby your all that I need
I had to confess its all because of you
You showed me how to live in the simple truth
Where else do you go when you know that you know
After everything we've been through
Honestly im yours
Finally im sure
Im where I belong and baby your all that I need
What more could I need but your love and effection that you gave to selflessly
Ohhh yeaah
Honestly im yours
Finally im sure
Im where I belong and baby your all that I need
Honestly im yours
Finally im sure
Eh im where I belong and baby your all that I need
Hey Mister! I think I miss you!
It's almost 2 weeks that we haven't seen each other. We're both busy with school works especially now that you're already graduating. But despite of being busy, you could still manage to remember me, to make me feel loved, make feel important for you and that you never forgotten me even for a second. Even though there are times that I would get mad at you for some silly reasons and act as childish as I could be just to get your attention, you never get mad at me. You still understand me and apologize for it. And you never failed to remind me always that YOU LOVE ME, that I will always be the one you love and you WILL love. And that keeps us stronger.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am Me.
In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. People might think that I may be arrogant however that’s how it feels when someone you truly love hurts us’ too which makes us think we should be by ourselves. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine and no one else’s , because I alone can chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes and goals, my fears are the ones I may have to face by myself which I truly wouldn’t hurt anyone.. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with myself, which I can’t share at this time with anyone. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know -- but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me. I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay. I can truly say that my heart of giving and trying which matters must is never enough for other to Indore so I believe in a better self. I guess it took a lot to understand myself painfully and all. I believe in this long journey of my life I have learned to except that there is women and men that try to hurt us in a deceiving way or false way. I now believe that I could only be true to myself and continue a better journey and happiness until that day of a true love comes back into my life, which by then I would be on guard, and so no one would ever hurt me again. So now that I have explained myself we as loving people should look at the future of who we are in love with. Be careful out there please out.
Love, honor, respect, understanding, and importantly family
Love, honor, respect, understanding, and importantly family
Though it's late, Happy Valentines Day y'all!

Love is in the air or is it a mythology. Love is a day when you care and love someone or is it when you meet someone you want to be involved with, Every day we try to find that special person every day not just the 14th of February. January, February, march, April, well it should not matter. Love should be a greatest gift any time of the year and togetherness is a good reason to be glad of life and that special someone. Where does valentine’s day come from will it contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient roman traditions. While some believe that Valentine’s Day celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of valentine’s death or burial-which probably occurred 270A.D-others claim that the Christian church may have decided to celebrate valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” celebration of the pagan Lupercalia festival. In ancient Rome, February was the official beginning of spring and considered a time for purification. Therefore, if that was true does that mean we had to find someone new or was it that we had to shape up. Well in my own beliefs, it is a time to share with friends kind ones and yes a true love to express. It should be I love you or you love me, gift exchange, dinner, making of love good things, and for those that don’t believe in valentine it’s because you really haven’t met that right person to share with so you shouldn’t be dogging that day, I’ll come one day. Love should not be anxious some of us waited just as much. I would like to say Happy Valentine’s to those who have someone and may it be a good day. lots of love .
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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