Love is in the air or is it a mythology. Love is a day when you care and love someone or is it when you meet someone you want to be involved with, Every day we try to find that special person every day not just the 14th of February. January, February, march, April, well it should not matter. Love should be a greatest gift any time of the year and togetherness is a good reason to be glad of life and that special someone. Where does valentine’s day come from will it contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient roman traditions. While some believe that Valentine’s Day celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of valentine’s death or burial-which probably occurred 270A.D-others claim that the Christian church may have decided to celebrate valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” celebration of the pagan Lupercalia festival. In ancient Rome, February was the official beginning of spring and considered a time for purification. Therefore, if that was true does that mean we had to find someone new or was it that we had to shape up. Well in my own beliefs, it is a time to share with friends kind ones and yes a true love to express. It should be I love you or you love me, gift exchange, dinner, making of love good things, and for those that don’t believe in valentine it’s because you really haven’t met that right person to share with so you shouldn’t be dogging that day, I’ll come one day. Love should not be anxious some of us waited just as much. I would like to say Happy Valentine’s to those who have someone and may it be a good day. lots of love .
Belated happy valentines day and I am hoping for more love to come your way!